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Check Out This Unique and Delicious Recipe That Uses Coffee, Walnuts, and Rice!

1 Apr
Did you think we were talking about a dessert recipe?

Fooled You!

Those are actually the ingredients in JUARA’s Invigorating Coffee Scrub.

Sumatran Coffee Beans- Used in Indonesian treatments to stimulate circulation in the skin. Coffee has been clinically proven to provide antioxidant and tightening benefits when applied to the skin!

Walnut Shells- A gentle, natural exfoliant for the skin. Primes the skin for the absorption of oils.

Rice- Has soothing, softening, redness-reducing, AND anti-aging properties for the skin. Rich in Amino Acids and Vitamin E.

All with the deliciously indulgent aroma of a mocha 🙂



And just in case you were really inspired by our little “April Fool”, here’s a delicious EDIBLE recipe containing these miracle ingredients:

Avocado Smoothie with Rice Milk


– 1/2 Avocado

– 1/2 Cup Rice Milk

– 1 Teaspoon Walnut Shavings

– 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder

– 1 Tablespoon Molasses

-A Dash of Your Favorite Coffee


Combine all ingredients in a blender. Tweak to your taste 🙂