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Just For Men- Skincare Exclusive!

12 Jun

June is Men’s Health Month!

Which means we get to chat about my favorite topic: men’s skin!

Men of the world hear me now: DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR SKIN! We know that you are rugged, tough creatures who can do 200 push ups without breaking a sweat. We also know that your skin is just as prone to breakouts and wrinkles as ours is… and we know you don’t like it.

So here are 4 EASY things you can do to keep your skin ruggedly, kissably soft:

1. Wash Your Face

And not with the old spice bar soap you use on your body. The skin on your face is much thinner and more sensitive than your body skin, which makes it more prone to breakouts from the heavy fragrance in most body care products. Try a cleanser like JUARA Rice Facial Cleanser or even a bar soap designated specifically for face (think Neutrogena). 

2. Change Your Razor Blade

After 3 uses. No exceptions. None.

3. Wear Sunscreen Everyday

Even when it’s cloudy, the sun’s rays beat down on your face. Constant unprotected exposure, over time, can be dangerous and cause premature aging. To protect yourself from rays without greasing up your skin, try a sunscreen specially designed for the face! Suntegrity makes a sunscreen/moisturizer duo with SPF 30.

4. Try a Fragrance-Free Aftershave

Do you get little red bumps after shaving and you can’t figure out why? You’re shaving in the same direction the hair is growing, but the bumps won’t disappear! It may have something to do with your aftershave. As heavenly as men’s aftershave can smell, the fragrance may be doing more harm than good. Try something fragrance-free to keep a smooth complexion. JUARA Tamarind Tea Hydrating Toner makes a great, soothing aftershave!