Archive | May, 2014

Your Skin Care Spring Clean!

24 May

May is a month of fresh starts, new beginnings, and of course Spring Cleaning!

But I’m not talking about spring cleaning for your house… I’m talking about spring cleaning for your face.

Makeup is NOT meant to last forever!

Do you still have that purple eyeliner you bought 4 years ago as a joke and sometimes wear when you go out with your girls?

It’s time to LOSE IT! So to help you get the most out of your makeup ‘spring clean’, here it is:

The Ultimate Guide To Makeup Shelf Life:

Mascara: 3 Months

Mascara has the shortest shelf-life because it has the highest risk of transferring bacteria into the delicate eye-area. And whatever you do, don’t add water to drying-out mascara!

Dry Eye Shadow: 2 Years
Liquid Eye Shadow: 10-12 Months
Eyeliner Pencil: 6-18 Months

This one really depends on how you use it. An eyeliner pencil that is sharpened before each use and is only used to line the outside of the eye should last you a good 18 months. If you’re not as vigilant and tend to line the inside of your eyes, you should probably toss it after 6 months.

Blush: 1-2 Years
Cream Blush: 1 Year
Lipstick: 2 Years

But make sure you disinfect your lipsticks if you use them while you’re sick!

Liquid Foundation & Concealer: 12-18 Months

With foundations and concealers, it’s not the makeup that holds germs- it’s the brush. If you use a disposable applicator, great! If not, make sure to disinfect your brushes at least once every 2 weeks for optimal cleanliness.


High Blood Pressure Is Affecting… Your skin???

22 May

High Blood Pressure Affects 1 in 3 Adults in the United States.

But what does that really mean? And how is it affecting your skin??

Blood pressure measures the rate at which the heart pumps blood and the effect that force has on the walls of the arteries. High Blood Pressure is extremely common and, as it has very few visible symptoms, can go untreated for years in seemingly healthy adults.

Dissecting The Numbers

So when you go to the doctor and they tell you your blood pressure is #/#, what does that really mean? Well, the top number (systolic blood pressure) measures the BP when the heart is beating and the bottom number (diastolic blood pressure) measures the BP in when the heart is resting in between beats. So what’s healthy? How do the numbers break down?

These are the current numbers according to The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:

Blood Pressure     Top Number     And/Or     Bottom Number
Normal                          >120               AND                      >80
Prehypertension        120-139            OR                      80-89
High BP 1                     140-159            OR                      90-99
High BP 2                      160+                OR                      100+

So now that we’ve got the numbers down, what does this mean for your skin?

As your blood pressure rises over time, blood vessels throughout the body become damaged. The damage done to these vessels, especially the smaller ones at the surface of the skin and on the face, can cause a rash to form on the body. Damage to blood vessels near the face can also lead to decreased oxygen levels being delivered to the skin, which can result in the following symptoms:

  • loss of skin elasticity
  • dull skin
  • red skin
  • ashy skin
  • slowing of collagen/elastin production

So what can you do to stop this from happening?

  • Yearly doctor visits to check your blood pressure

Catching rising blood pressure before it gets out of hand is key!

  • Add less salt to your foods
  • Exercise Daily-

Even a 10 minute walk can make a difference!

  • Manage your weight

High BP is often correlated with obesity

  • Try a Mediterranean diet

High in fruits, veggies, and protein. Low in red meat and carbohydrates.

  • Listen to your body!

Feeling sluggish or weak? Don’t ignore it- get checked out!



Skin Cancer Prevention

15 May

May is Skin Cancer Prevention/Awareness Month

Skin cancer is a rapidly growing problem in the United States with over 3.5 million new cases diagnosed every year, and in honor of skin cancer awareness month here are some tips to help you stay skin-healthy during the upcoming summer months!

1. Wear Sunscreen Everyday

Most of us use sunscreen at the beach, but did you know that for true protection you have to wear sunscreen everyday? Think about it- our faces and hands are exposed to the sun even when our bodies are covered by clothes. Use a protective sunscreen on your face and hands (at least SPF 20) every day to maintain healthy skin and prevent sun spots and precancerous growths. And remember- the sun’s rays are still strong even when it’s cloudy, so don’t skip sunscreen on rainy days!

2. Try a Hat!

Sun hats aren’t just for the beach. Wear one while walking outside, gardening, shopping, or running errands to protect the skin on the top of your head and your face from extra sun exposure. Plus, a sun hat is a cute addition to any outfit!

3. Stay Out Of The Booth

Sun tanned skin is beautiful, but not at the cost of your health. Even one trip to the tanning booth/bed can increase your chances of getting melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) by a whopping 75%

If you’re really dying for that tanned glow, try a spray tan or at home tanning lotion. For a less permanent fix, mix a touch of bronzer to your daily body cream.

4. Know Your Skin

Did you know that dermatologists recommend that you perform an at-home skin examination once a month? Knowing your body is key to detecting any illness early, and keeping track of your moles, birthmarks, skin tags, and sun spots is no exception! And just like an internal check up, it’s important to have a dermatologist perform an external check up once a year to catch anything you may have missed.

5. Protect Yourself While Driving

We feel safe from the sun’s reach inside our cars, but we’re really not! While your windshield has built in UV protection, the side windows do not and generally let in about 63% of the sun’s rays! There is a solution: Window Film. Window film is endorsed by the Skin Cancer Foundation and blocks out almost 100% of the sun’s rays. Remember- even window film can only protect you when windows are closed, so if you like to cruise with the top/windows down apply sunscreen to your face, neck, and arms before getting into the car.

Mother’s Day!

10 May

Mother’s Day- A celebration of the world’s true superheroes.

Still not sure what to do for your mom tomorrow? Check out these adorable options!

1. Go see a movie!

Take your mom on a fun girl’s date and go see that chick flick you’ve been dying to see.

2. Have a late brunch! 

Did you know that some brunch places serve piping hot pancakes and mimosas until 4pm?? Check out your local brunch joints to see what kind of mother’s day specials they may be offering.

3. Host an at-home spa day!

Invite your mom over for a day of manicures, pedicures, face masks, and fun. And be sure to do all of the planning so she can just sit back and reeeeelax.

Too far away to celebrate in person? That’s okay! Send your mom a gift package with her favorite skincare products, snacks, and spa day goodies. Attach a note instructing her to save the package for the next time you come home- you’ll have your spa day then!

Making Your Skin Warm-Weather Ready!

1 May

It’s May 1st!

We’ve made it through the brutal winter, the polar vortexes, and the incessant rain…  But has our skin?????

It’s time to shed those winter layers and show some leg, but to ensure that your skin is as luminous as possible:

Check Out These Fantastic Tips To Make Your Skin Warm-Weather Ready!

1. Ditch That Heavy Foundation

The trick to mastering bright, fresh, spring skin is losing that heavy winter foundation. Don’t hide your face from the world! Try something with slightly less coverage like a tinted foundation or BB Creme to even out your skin tone. Not ready to completely switch beauty products? That’s okay! Try mixing your favorite foundation with a light moisturizer to let more of your natural beauty shine through. JUARA Sweet Black Tea and Rice Moisturizer is the perfect mixing partner!

2. Exfoliate, Buff, and Shine!

Nothing says winter skin like dull, ashy legs. Give your body some love by exfoliating away all of the dead skin that has accumulated over this winter season. Pay extra attention to your knees and elbows, the driest areas of your body. 

3. Moisturize!

After you’ve buffed away all of that dead skin, moisturize to keep your body luminous. Something light like JUARA Tiare Jasmine Tea Body Milk is a great option for daytime because it absorbs quickly with a nice, light scent and won’t stain your clothes! Try a heavier cream at night when the skin is most open to absorbing moisture.

4. Hydrate

No amount of exfoliating and moisturizing will illuminate your skin if you’re dehydrated. Beauty starts from within, which is why the best beauty tip ANYONE can give you is to stay hydrated. Proper hydration allows the body to rid itself of toxins so that they don’t take up residence under the skin (in the form of nasty breakouts). Staying hydrated also allows the skin cells to fill with water, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles naturally to create a beautiful glow.