Sun Safety: Let’s Talk About Rays

14 Aug



We think we’re protecting ourselves when we slather up with SPF 30+, but did you know that most sunscreens only protect against UVB rays and leave us open to damage caused by UVA rays?

Wait, what? Let’s backtrack. Before we talk about what we need to be protected from, let’s define the different types of rays.


The sun is the earth’s source of light and energy. In order to provide us with the things we need to survive, the sun lets off UV radiation as a part of the light spectrum that shines down on earth. These UV rays are classified by length in three categories: UVA, UVB, and UVC.



The longest of the waves, these are divided further into two categories (UVAI and UVAII). These waves account for 95% of the UV rays that reach the earth’s surface, and thus we are exposed to these rays often. UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply than UVB rays, and contribute to pre-mature aging and wrinkling. It was not suspected until recently that UVA rays were harmful beyond the aesthetic, but it is now understood that UVA rays damage the middle (basal & squamous) layer of the skin and may even initiate skin cancer.


These are the medium sized rays. They mostly reach the outer layers of our skin, and are the primary cause for sunburn and sunspots. All sunscreens provide UVB protection, most pretty adequately. Its intensity, unlike the constant UVA rays, changes depending on season and location.


These rays are the shortest. So short, in fact, that most of them don’t even penetrate the earth’s atmosphere. As of now, no studies have pointed to UVB rays as a problem for our skin.


Because UVB rays and not UVA rays cause the visible damage to our skin, it was long thought that UVA rays were not harmful to us. In light of recent discoveries, UVA rays may be even MORE harmful for us than UVB rays and most sunscreens don’t protect against them! So read carefully, my friends, and when you go out to buy sunscreen make sure you’re getting one with UVAI, UVAII, and UVB protection to keep your skin safe and youthful for years to come!

Beauty From The Inside Out

12 Aug

August is Immunization Awareness Month. 

So why are we talking about it? Because…


True Beauty Comes From the Inside, Out!


And we don’t just mean figuratively… we’re talking literally here, people. In honor of that, these are 5 easy habit changes to get you looking good from within:

1. Eat Your Greens!

Just like your mother told you. And she was right, spinach does make you more beautiful. Green, leafy vegetables contain a slew of vitamins and minerals that improve the radiance, elasticity, and luster of your skin. Want to learn more? Check out this post on Juicing For Your Skin for a complete breakdown of what different fruits and veggies do for you.


2. Get Some Shut Eye

We all know that sleep resets the body and allows us to recharge for another day. But did you know that chronic lack of sleep speeds up the aging process, sometimes as much as a decade?!? Scary. I know. For optimal sleep benefits, try to get 7-9 hours of shut eye per night. This super restful sleep has long term benefits like ramping up collagen production and speeding cell growth, as well as short term benefits (lack of under-eye circles, luminous skin, fewer breakouts).


3. Get. IT. On.

The “O Glow” is not just a myth. Sex is one of natures built in remedies for dull, tired skin. Having sex improves blood circulation, which brings more oxygen to the surface skin cells which are usually the last to be nourished. Not to mention to stress-reduction and hormone-regulating powers of sex. Those benefits leave you with clear, acne free, fresh skin for the long haul.


4. Don’t Touch Those Cigarettes

Smoking is the opposite of sex for the skin. It reduces blood circulation which keeps oxygen from reaching the surface skin cells, leaving them ashen and gray. Over time, the lack of blood flow will cause the small capillaries on the surface of your face to shrivel up and die which leads to bigger problems: wrinkles, numbness, even skin shedding. Blech. Just stop it.

5. Smile!

Or, at least, don’t frown. Keeping your face in a pleasant, neutral state keeps the muscles from tiring out and keeps the skin from wrinkling. Smiling also gives you a detectable glow which makes you look instantly more beautiful. Studies show that even a slight smile makes the opposite sex more attracted to you. So smile it up!

Ingredient Spotlight: Watermelon!

12 Aug

Juicy, Plump, Delicious



The absolute perfect summer barbecue food. Watermelon is sweet, sticky, and packed with hydration. But did you know that watermelon is actually good for… you guessed it… your skin? Yup, it is! Take a look at this impressive list of skin benefits:
  • Rich in Vitamin C, Amino Acids, and Antioxidants

  • Skin hydrating and conditioning

  • Aids the skin in fighting against free radicals

  • Acts as a gentle, natural exfoliator

  • Helps the skin cells retain more water, which plumps and fills in fine lines

  • Makes skin cells more receptive to other ingredients, improving the efficacy of your entire skincare routine!

Impressed by all of the amazing things watermelon can do for you, but not quite sure which products contain it? Here’s a quick list of my favorites:

Juicing For Your Skin

27 Jul

Juicing is great for your digestive health, but did you know it’s also great for your skin?

The vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables have benefits for your skin when applied topically, but they have even more benefits when ingested! Fruits and vegetables that contain A, B, and C vitamins especially help to increase circulation.

Better circulation = more oxygen to the skin = plumper, younger looking skin

Because beauty starts from within, keeping your digestive tract clean and clear helps reduce the buildup of gunk underneath the surface of your skin. To help keep you looking radiant this summer, here is a comprehensive list of juicing produce and their benefits!


  • Contains flavonoids which help protect skin from toxins and UV rays
  • High in potassium and vitamins A, C, and K
  • High in Fiber

Bell Pepper

  • Very high in vitamin C and carotenoids
  • Contains phytonutrients that are packed with antioxidants


  • High in potassium and selenium
  • High in carotenoids (your body converts these into Vitamin A!)


  • Helps to clean out the liver and digestive tract
  • Rehydrates the body


  • High in antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory and metabolism booster


  • Natural diuretic, high in water content
  • Contains vitamins C and K
  • High in potassium


  • High in Zinc- an immunity booster
  • Aids in digestion and stomach related issues
  • Anti-inflammatory- calms inflamed skin

Goji Berry

  • Highest vitamin C concentration of any food
  • High in antioxidants
  • May stimulate T-cell production


  • High in fiber and carotenoids
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • High in iron content


  • Diuretic, helps reduce bloating
  • High in vitamin C


  • High in antioxidants
  • Helps reduce bloating
  • Contains good amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E
  • High in iron and potassium


  • Natural acidic enzymes clean out the digestive tract
  • Improves skin elasticity and helps hydrate the body
  • High in antioxidants


  • High in B2 and B6 vitamins
  • High in iron and potassium
  • Anti-inflammatory


  • Cleanses the liver and improves digestion
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Evens out skin tone
  • Helps to even out blood sugar

So there you have it! Check out our PINTEREST page for some great juicing recipes inspired by JUARA ingredients 🙂

Kombucha Cocktails

26 Jul


Everyone’s talking about it like it’s something new.

Kombucha has actually been around for over 2,000 years in the eastern part of the world. It is made by combining green or black tea, bacteria, yeast, and sugar and then allowing the mixture to ferment. The fermentation process causes a mushroom-like blob to form in the tea.

Although Kombucha is not exactly delicious (to say the least) it has been proven to provide numerous health benefits and is even aptly named “Health Tea” “Vitality Tea” “Miracle Tea” and “Elixir of Life” in various languages. It is so packed with antioxidants that we even use it in our skincare products! Kombucha’s uses are endless. Here are some of its benefits:

  • Contains B Vitamins and Antioxidants
  • Detoxes the liver
  • Helps to prevent and aid in the management of arthritis
  • Aids in digestion and digestive health

So with all of the benefits of Kombucha, how can we make it delicious and irresistable?


Kombucha cocktails are all the rage on the ‘health scene’ this summer. Fruity, alcoholic, tangy, and packed with antioxidants and vitamins? Count me in! Of course, to write this article, I had to do some research on Kombucha cocktails… which was really a chore let me tell you. After much due diligence, here are some of my favorite recipes:

Strawberry-Ginger Kombucha Cocktail



  • 20 Medium Strawberries
  • 3 Tbsp. Honey
  • The Juice of 5 Limes
  • 32 oz Ginger Kombucha
  • 8 oz Vodka
  • Ice
  • (Optional) Candied Ginger

1. Combine strawberries, honey, and lime in a blender to create a puree

2. Into each glass, pour 1/4 of the vodka, 1/4 of the kombucha, and strawberry puree to taste

3. Add ice, stir, and enjoy!

Kombucha Peach Daiquiri



  • 6 medium peaches, sliced
  • 4 Tbsp Agave
  • 2 Tbsp Orange Juice
  • 4oz Vodka
  • 4oz Rum
  • 8oz Kombucha
  • Ice

Blend all ingredients, pour into glasses, and enjoy!

Kombucha Sangria



  • 1 Bottle of your favorite white wine
  • 1 Orange, sliced
  • 1 Apple (green or red), sliced
  • 2 cups mixed berries
  • 16oz your favorite flavor Kombucha

1. Combine wine and fruit into a large pitcher. Put into refrigerate and let sit for at least 4 hours

2. Pour out into glasses, add a splash of Kombucha, and enjoy!

Massage: From Bali to your Living Room

13 Jul

Bali is the spa capital of the world.

A beautiful, serene, tropical atmosphere. Warm air and soothing music. Massage, facials, aromatherapy, body wraps- you name it, they do it. 

But during the weeks that you’re not relaxing on a beach in Bali, how can you bring that serenity into your own life? How can you experience that kind of bliss in your own home?

JUARA products are inspired by the spa rituals and botanicals of Indonesia. We’ve combined luscious ingredients like candlenut oil and illipe butter with super foods like turmeric and goji berry to bring you efficacious treatments that can be used at home. As luxurious as our creams and masks are, however, there’s one aspect of the spa experience that we can’t bottle up:


Did you know that over 50% of Americans get massages regularly? With the blossoming of homeopathy and alternative medicine, massage is becoming a staple in our lives. Massage offers a vast array of benefits including:

  • stress reduction
  • anxiety relief
  • muscle relaxation
  • increase in circulation
  • enhanced immune system
  • lower blood pressure
  • better mood

The best part of massage is that it can be done at home! Because this week is “Everybody Deserves a Massage Week”, we’ll be posting our favorite massage tips daily.

Today’s Tip: Setting the Mood

Whether massaging yourself or trading off massages with a loved one, mood is key. Designate a quiet time when you won’t be interrupted (30 minutes or more is ideal) and create an inviting atmosphere. Here are a few of our favorite ways to create a stress-free space:

  • Turn down the lights and ensure that the room is a comfortable temperature
  • Turn your cell phone off (or, better yet, put it in another room)
  • Light candles or put out a diffuser in your favorite scent. Aromatherapy specialists recommend lavender, eucalyptus, rose, chamomile, and vanilla for stress relief.
  • Put on a bathrobe and slippers (it will make you feel like you’re at a spa!)
  • Put your favorite body cream in the microwave for 5 seconds to heat it up. Warm cream is definitely better than shockingly cold cream on sore muscles.

Be sure to check back tomorrow for another massage tip!

Boredom: Let’s Fight it for July!

10 Jul

July is National Anti-Boredom Month

Wait… what? Why is there a month for that?

Well, did you know that chronic boredom is a relatively recent diagnosable phenomenon? Yup. While boredom is a common emotion for children, it generally occurs less in adulthood… until now.


Many studies show that with the rise of portable technology and social media (aka the society of ‘now’), adults’ attention spans are growing shorter and shorter. This decrease in attention results in an increase in boredom!


While being bored once in a while is okay, and can even lead to greater creativity, chronic boredom is a gateway for a slew of other negatives, including:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • anger/frustration
  • disengagement/ disinterest in personal relationships
  • over-eating


So why are we bored? And what can we do to get un-bored?

Because we are constantly stimulated by texts, tweets, emails, instagrams, status updates, pins, etc. more than a few minutes of quiet work or ‘nothingness’ makes us feel bored. We have so many easy ways to keep ourselves occupied (but very few of those options include leaving our computers or phones) that when faced with free time we’ve forgotten what to do!

But Do Not Fear!

This month’s collection of JUARA Fit Summer Fun tips will get you off the couch, away from the phone, and back to being excited about sunshine and fresh air! Check in with us every Thursday for a new idea to try out on your next day off 🙂

Turmeric? Tumeric? Turmer-what?

22 Jun


We’ve been hearing about this super food for months, but what is it? A powder? A root? A magical health elixir? 

Thankfully, the JUARA Turmeric Benefits Guide is here to answer all of your questions!

So, let’s start with the basics. What is turmeric?

Part of the ginger family, turmeric is a native plant to southeast India. Turmeric is most popularly used in two forms: raw and dried. Turmeric has been used for almost 1000 years in cuisine, medicine, makeup, skin care, and clothes dying. 

What are the health benefits of turmeric?

When ingested, turmeric has historically been used to heal stomach and liver ailments. Turmeric powder concoctions have been used to bring down fevers. It can also be used as an anti-bacterial salve on open wounds. Those who consume turmeric on a regular basis report a reduction in arthritis pain, heartburn, sensitive stomachs, headaches, colds, and menstrual cramps. It may also help those with diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s, and certain types of cancer.

What can turmeric do for my skin?

Turmeric, with its anti-inflammatory and redness reducing properties, can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions including eczema, allergic hives, and even chicken pox! Turmeric is also a great treatment for acne, as it is both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. The JUARA Turmeric Face Mask maximizes the healing properties of turmeric by combining it with kaolin clay! 

Are there any side effects of ingesting or topically applying turmeric?

There are no known side effects for applying turmeric directly onto the skin. When ingesting turmeric, however, it is important to remember that turmeric is a blood thinner. Consuming turmeric daily makes it more difficult for your blood to clot, so lessen your turmeric intake if you take medicine that thins your blood. 


Do you still have questions about Turmeric and its uses? Leave a comment on our Facebook page!

Just For Men- Skincare Exclusive!

12 Jun

June is Men’s Health Month!

Which means we get to chat about my favorite topic: men’s skin!

Men of the world hear me now: DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR SKIN! We know that you are rugged, tough creatures who can do 200 push ups without breaking a sweat. We also know that your skin is just as prone to breakouts and wrinkles as ours is… and we know you don’t like it.

So here are 4 EASY things you can do to keep your skin ruggedly, kissably soft:

1. Wash Your Face

And not with the old spice bar soap you use on your body. The skin on your face is much thinner and more sensitive than your body skin, which makes it more prone to breakouts from the heavy fragrance in most body care products. Try a cleanser like JUARA Rice Facial Cleanser or even a bar soap designated specifically for face (think Neutrogena). 

2. Change Your Razor Blade

After 3 uses. No exceptions. None.

3. Wear Sunscreen Everyday

Even when it’s cloudy, the sun’s rays beat down on your face. Constant unprotected exposure, over time, can be dangerous and cause premature aging. To protect yourself from rays without greasing up your skin, try a sunscreen specially designed for the face! Suntegrity makes a sunscreen/moisturizer duo with SPF 30.

4. Try a Fragrance-Free Aftershave

Do you get little red bumps after shaving and you can’t figure out why? You’re shaving in the same direction the hair is growing, but the bumps won’t disappear! It may have something to do with your aftershave. As heavenly as men’s aftershave can smell, the fragrance may be doing more harm than good. Try something fragrance-free to keep a smooth complexion. JUARA Tamarind Tea Hydrating Toner makes a great, soothing aftershave! 


5 Ways To Be Friendly To The Environment

5 Jun

In honor of World Environment Day, here are some quick and easy ways to be friendly to the environment today!

1. Turn Off Your Computer At Night

Most of us close our laptops to put them in sleep mode, but by actually turning our computers off we can charge them less often!

2. Institute Family Veggie Night

Go meatless once a week! Did you know that it takes over 2500 gallons of water to produce 1 lb. of beef?? Crazy! Conserve water (and your waistline) by opting vegetarian every once in a while.

3. Re-Gift Gift Wrap!

You know that beautiful gift bag your sister wrapped your birthday present in? Don’t let it fade away after one use! Wrap a friend’s gift in the same bag to keep the beauty alive while cutting down on waste 🙂

4. Turn the AC OFF

…when you’re not at home. Running the a/c all summer while the house is empty adds up to over 480 hours of wasted energy!

5. Switch to Online Bill Pay

Paying your bills online isn’t just great for the environment, it’s great for your credit! Automatic bill pay ensures that you’ll never miss a payment. Annnnd online bills = no more paper bills = no more mailbox anxiety.